Rebroadcasts -- The Global Global A Go-Go Network

Global A Go-Go is rebroadcast on at least six radio stations, in addition to its live broadcast on WRIR.  Somewhat facetiously, I like to call it the Global Global A Go-Go Radio Network.  These stations are:

CKDU 88.1 FM in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: ckdu.ca

KRFP Radio Free Moscow 90.3 FM in Moscow, Idaho, USA: krfp.org

WGXC Radio for Open Ears 90.7 FM in Hudson, New York, USA: wavefarm.org/radio/wgxc/about 

Caribriddims International Radio in Norcross, Georgia, USA: caribriddimsradio.com

Chiampa Radio in Chicago, Illinois and Tampa, Florida, USA: chiampa.org

Radio Relaxo in Toronto, Ontario, Canada: radiorelaxo.radioarcadiagroup.com

The program is available to be aired by any non-profit radio station free of charge via the A-Infos Radio Project, also known as Radio4all.net.  If you're with a non-profit radio station and you want to rebroadcast Global A Go-Go, just download the programs from Radio4all.net and let me know that you're doing so -- I'll credit you on air and on this website.

The A-Infos Radio Project is a fantastic endeavor that allows grassroots broadcasters to share programs with each other. If you use it to download and rebroadcast Global A Go-Go, please consider making a donation to them as well. A-Infos is run by volunteers and is entirely funded by donations from the folks who use their bandwidth and services, like you and me.  You can donate here: radio4all.net/index.php/support

If you listen to Global A Go-Go's podcasts, why not suggest that your local community or public radio station rebroadcast the program?  If you enjoy it, there are probably plenty of other people in your community who would feel the same way.  Radio stations actually pay attention to their listeners' and donors' preferences -- at least, smart ones do.